2018-2019 Yearbooks have not come in yet. Hopefully those will be here in the next few weeks. I have quite a few people who paid for those when they come in I’ll get them out to those who’ve paid. Any questions please email [email protected] hard to follow post. Thanks Kim Morris Yearbook Adviser
about 4 years ago, Kim Morris
Art students preparing for their wire sculptures.
about 4 years ago, Tammy Baker
Art students getting their blocks of wood ready for wire sculptures.
Art students painting their blocks of wood.
Art students sanding on their blocks of wood.
Art students painting their bases for wire sculptures.
Mrs. Tucker teaching the freshman about plagiarism.
about 4 years ago, Charissa Byrne
What is plagiarism? Ask the Freshman. 😊
Mrs. Tucker’s class
Juniors- meet in the library at 11:30 tomorrow, Aug 26th, to discuss important issues for this year.
about 4 years ago, Charissa Byrne
2nd Hour "All About Me" Magazine Cover Projects
about 4 years ago, Valerie McCauley
"All About Me" Magazine Covers
1st Hour "All About Me" Magazine Cover Project
about 4 years ago, Valerie McCauley
"All About Me" Magazine Covers
Students working on virtual classes 7th hour.
about 4 years ago, Renee Minton
7th hour
7th hour
Parents, Students, & Teachers PK-8th Grade: We value your input! Please take the time to fill out our Title I Needs Assessment at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your help! https://forms.gle/KhsmftobrZMBYy7PA
about 4 years ago, Nicole Bauman
Don’t forget Picture Day tomorrow!!! PreK-11th grade!!
about 4 years ago, Kim Morris
Two Sticks Photography
We are reviewing our letters and sounds in kindergarten, and starting to put CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words together! 🙌🏻
about 4 years ago, Juliet Deaton
Learning letters and sounds!
Creating CVC words!
Letter rainbow!
Who needs a LONGHORNS shirt? Sales open through August 31st!
about 4 years ago, Nicole Bauman
Physcial science students putting those measuring skills to work!
about 4 years ago, Lori Pettijohn
Biology students learning to make wet mount slides and view them under the microscope.
about 4 years ago, Lori Pettijohn
2nd graders writing a book about themselves. We are all unique and special in our own way.
about 4 years ago, Charissa Byrne
It’s such a treat when students stop by just to say hi 👋
about 4 years ago, Nicole Bauman
Stopping by to say hi
Pre-k students showing their self-portraits after reading the book, “I Like Myself”. They are unique and special in their own way. 🖤🧡
about 4 years ago, Charissa Byrne
She’s so proud.
Working hard
2nd grade working on Story Elements!!!
about 4 years ago, Andrea Owens
Story structure school house!!! ❤️❤️❤️
After a morning of hard work, Mr. Bauman and the 6th graders are learning teamwork and cooperation while getting fresh air.
about 4 years ago, Charissa Byrne
6th graders
Mr. B spiking
HS softball-Ninnekah tournament: We didn’t win, but we definitely made improvements against Calumet.
about 4 years ago, Charissa Byrne
Lady Longhorns
In case you failed to get a picture, here's one for you of some English IV seniors on their last first day of school.
about 4 years ago, Shannan Tucker
Eng IV Last First Day of HS